There is more or less light.
We have just passed the winter solstice and I have been thinking a lot about light. Thinking about light in the world, light as a metaphor, light and wave, and light as a particle. It is something that could spin into an entire thesis so I will contain the discussion to photography!
I love shooting outdoors and have been in the snow almost daily over the past couple of weeks. Talk about adding light! When the ground is covered in snow, the world does seem much brighter doesn’t it? While photographing a dog today, it was done under high clouds and in gently falling snow. We were in the mountains, and under that particular cloud cover, the light almost felt like a giant studio soft box.
It provided fabulous results. Don’t be afraid to experiment with your own photography. Many people feel that they need a bright sunny day to take a picture. Ironically, that is often the scenario where most serious photographers put their cameras away. Instead, try early or late daylight or play with clouds. Study the light coming through the clouds and find different ways of describing different types of light filtering through. Good luck and go play.